Levi Miller Größe, Gewicht, Alter, Freundin, Familie, Fakten, Biografie

Levi Miller Kurzinfo
Höhe 5 Fuß 11 Zoll
Gewicht 68 kg
Geburtsdatum 30. September 2002
Sternzeichen Waage
Augenfarbe Himmelblau

Levi Miller ist ein australischer Schauspieler und Model. Er begann früh zu schauspielern und gewann im Alter von 6 Jahren einen Theaterwettbewerb, indem er einen Peter-Pan- Monolog über das „Retten der Elfen“ aufführte . In einer großen Wendung des Schicksals erlangte Levi weltweite Anerkennung für die Hauptrolle von Peter Pan im Fantasy-Film Pan von 2015 . Er war praktisch unbekannt, als Regisseur Joe Wright ihn nach langer Suche auswählte, um die ikonische Rolle in einer Besetzung zu spielen, zu der unter anderem Hugh Jackman, Rooney Mara und Garrett Hedlund gehörten. Nach Pan hat Levi in ​​einigen weiteren Filmen aus verschiedenen Genres wie Abenteuer, Science-Fiction, Mystery und Horror mitgewirkt und große Anerkennung gefunden.

Geborener Name

Levi Zane Miller



Levi Miller in einem Instagram-Post aus dem September 2015




Carindale, Brisbane, Queensland, Australien


Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Levi reist oft wegen seiner schauspielerischen Verpflichtungen nach Los Angeles, Kalifornien, aber er bleibt hauptsächlich mit seiner Mutter und seinen Schwestern in Brisbane.


Australische Staatsangehörigkeit


Levi absolvierte 2014 seine Grundschule an der Holland Park State School in Queensland. Aufgrund seines schauspielerischen Engagements wurde seine Highschool über Privatlehrer und Online-Lernprogramme durchgeführt.


Schauspieler, Model


  • Mutter - Meg Miller (ehemalige Krankenschwester)
  • Geschwister - Tiarnee Miller (ältere Schwester), Brittany Miller (ältere Schwester)


Er wird vertreten durch -

  • Agentur WME (William Morris Endeavour), Beverly Hills, Kalifornien, USA
  • Eaton  Management Agency, Queensland, Australien




180,5 cm


68 kg

Levi Miller auf der San Diego Comic Con International 2015

Rasse / ethnische Zugehörigkeit






Sexuelle Orientierung



  • Frizzy, dichtes halslanges Haar
  • heisere Stimme
  • Hohe Höhe


Levi war der Markenbotschafter von Polo, der  Herbstkampagne für Kinder von Ralph Lauren im Jahr 2015.

Levi Miller aus dem Februar 2018

Bekannt für

Seine Darstellung von Filmfiguren wie Peter Pan in Pan (2015), Luke in Better Watch Out (2016) und Calvin in A Wrinkle in Time (2018)

Erster Film

Levi gab sein Kinofilmdebüt mit einer Nebenrolle in der 2011 erschienenen Musikkomödie A Heartbeat Away .

Erste TV-Show

Levi gab 2011 sein TV-Show-Debüt als "General Philbrick (Child)" in einer Folge der Science-Fiction-Serie " Terra Nova" .

Personal Trainer

Due to his acting commitments, Levi is keenly focused on personal fitness. He often works out along the beach and regularly posts pictures of his exercise routines and beach runs. He also makes his favorite outdoor activities such as swimming, rock-climbing, and playing football a part of his fitness routine.

Levi Miller Favorite Things

  • Music Band – The Doors
  • Singers – Sam Smith, George Ezra
  • Pets – Dogs, Parrots
  • Car Brand – Lamborghini
  • Songs Imagine (1971) by John Lennon, Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991) by Nirvana
  • Movie – Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  • Movie Genre – Horror, Psychological Horror
  • Subject In School – Geography
  • Actor – Leonardo DiCaprio
  • Sports – Basketball, Football
  • Outdoor Activities – Rock Climbing, Riding dirt bikes
  • Travel Destination – Hawaii
  • Food – Steaks
  • Restaurant – Texas Roadhouse

Source – Evening Standard, NightmarishConjurings.com, Teen Vogue, Prezi

Levi Miller in einem Instagram-Post im Mai 2018

Levi Miller Facts

  1. Levi’s parents divorced when he was a toddler. His father is estranged. His mother had to quit her nursing job to support Levi’s career.
  2. He is fond of music and loves playing the guitar in his spare time. He is also a football fan and follows the English Premier League matches.
  3. As a child, he used to follow his older sisters (who were aspiring models) to photoshoots, simply out of jealousy. Consequently, he took part in several castings for photoshoots and commercials.
  4. Levi was in elementary school when he participated in the first 2 castings for the role of Peter Pan that were held in Australia. His audition impressed the director Joe Wright, who invited him to Los Angeles. Levi did some screen work there, attended a few more auditions, and returned to Brisbane. A few weeks later, Joe called him to inform him that he had been selected for the role.
  5. For his role in Pan (2015), Levi traveled to London before the film’s shooting and trained extensively with a dialect coach to drop his Australian tone and develop a Cockney accent. He also revealed that he just reminded himself of his pet dog that had recently died, whenever he had to cry in any of the movie’s scenes.
  6. In the past, Levi blushingly admitted in an interview, that he had a crush on his Pan co-star Rooney Mara.
  7. Levi is acutely aware of the perils of being a young movie star. He has stated that he has seen the careers of many young actors derail, including some of his favorite actors. Hence, he tries his best to avoid partying and drinking and spends as much time as possible with his family.
  8. In 2015, Levi made a guest appearance in season 1 of the superhero TV series Supergirl as a 12-year-old who has a crush on the lead character of Supergirl.
  9. He learned how to ride a motorcycle for his performance in the 2016 film Red Dog: True Blue.
  10. Levi has stated that Oprah Winfrey has been one of his biggest inspirations since he watched an interview of hers as an 11-year-old. He fulfilled his life long dream of meeting her when he was cast in the Oprah-starring 2018 science fantasy adventure film, A Wrinkle in Time. Along with Oprah, the film’s cast included actors like Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Zach Galifianakis, Mindy Kaling, and Michael Peña.
  11. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Featured Image by Levi Miller / Instagram

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