Rapper Mike Jones Größe, Gewicht, Alter, Freundin, Familie, Biografie

Geborener Name

Michael Ansara Jones


Sache, Eiszeit

Mike Jones in einem Selfie im November 2016




Houston, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten


New York City, New York, Vereinigte Staaten




Es gibt einen Mangel an Informationen über seinen Bildungshintergrund. Alles, was bekannt ist, ist, dass Mike auf die High School ging, aber abbrach und anfing, Gelegenheitsjobs zu machen, um seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.


Rapper, Schauspieler, Unternehmer


  • Vater  - Unbekannt
  • Mutter  - Unbekannt
  • Geschwister - Unbekannt
  • Andere  - Elsia Mae Jones (Großmutter)


Mike Jones verwaltet seine eigenen Shows unter seinem Label Ice Age Entertainment .

Mike Jones kann gebucht werden unter -

  • Globale Talentbuchung in den USA
  • Heavy Rotation Booking Agency in den USA, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Deutschland


Hip Hop, Rap




Ice Age Entertainment, Atlantic Records, Swishahouse, Warner Bros. Records, Asyl Records, Southern Vibe, Deep Records, BCD




175,5 cm


87 kg

Freundin / Ehepartner

Mike Jones hat datiert -

  1. Alicia  - Mike Jones hatte angeblich eine langfristige Beziehung zu einer Frau namens Alicia. Es gibt jedoch einen Mangel an Informationen über seine Geliebte und den Zeitplan ihrer Beziehung.
  2. Vivica (2010-Present) – Mike is supposedly in a steady relationship with his girlfriend Vivica. She is a model and designs Champagne bottles. She posted a pic on her Instagram account in December 2017, celebrating their 7-year anniversary together. So, it can be safely assumed that they have been in a relationship since 2010.
Mike Jones in einem Selfie mit Freundin Vivica im Juni 2016

Race / Ethnicity


Hair Color


Eye Color

Dark Brown

Sexual Orientation


Distinctive Features

  • Has tattoos all over his body
  • A mole on the right side of his nose
Mike Jones macht ein Selfie im November 2016

Brand Endorsements

Mike Jones has done endorsement work for the following brands –

  • LockedOut
  • Super Bowl advertisement for his lawyer Mark Jones

Best Known For

  • His catchphrase “Who? Mike Jones!” which is repeated several times to familiarize people with him.
  • Distributing t-shirts which had his personal cell phone number printed on the back.

First Album

In April 2005, Mike Jones released his first studio album Who Is Mike Jones? The album was highly successful with hit singles like ‘Still Tippin’ and ‘Back Then’ and debuted at #3 position on the Billboard 200.

First Film

Mike Jones made his theatrical film debut as Darius in the movie Mountain Mafia in 2012. 

First TV Show

His debut TV show appearance was in June 2005 in the music talk-show Soul Train as himself.

Personal Trainer

At the peak of his career in 2005, Mike weighed around 300 pounds. But, over time, he managed to lose about 100 pounds and now looks slimmer than ever before. He credits working on the treadmill regularly for his physical transformation.

He went on a Subway diet and watched what he ate to speed up his weight loss program.

Mike Jones macht ein Selfie in einem Flugzeug im April 2017

Mike Jones Facts

  1. He wanted to play in the NBA (National Basketball Association) early on in his life but only managed to reach the YMCA leagues.
  2. Mike did numerous odd jobs before becoming a successful rapper. He worked in fast food restaurants, sold cell phones from an apartment, and also sold dime bags.
  3. He was very close to his grandmother and called her his inspiration in pursuing a career as a rap artist.
  4. He was a member of the music group Souf Folk and was known as Sache. The band released their album Country Thuggin in 2003.
  5. In 2001, he started the record label Ice Age Entertainment with business partner Ray ‘Mello’ Moore.
  6. His album Who Is Mike Jones? was certified ‘Platinum’ within 2 months of its release.
  7. Er folgt dem Stil von DJ Screw aus Houston und rappt im sogenannten "New Southern" Screwed & Chopped-Stil.
  8. Er war an vielen jugendbezogenen Programmen und Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen beteiligt, half ihnen häufig mit Geldern und organisierte Sensibilisierungsprogramme. Einige davon sind die Gruppen Ice Age for Kids und The American Dream Foundation .
  9. Besuchen Sie seine offizielle Website @ wenikejones.com.
  10. Folgen Sie ihm auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram.

Ausgewähltes Bild von Mike Jones / Instagram

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